- class, is_mask=False, duration=None)[source]#
Class of clips whose frame_function requires some objects to be updated. Particularly practical in science where some algorithm needs to make some steps before a new frame can be generated.
UpdatedVideoClips have the following frame_function:
def frame_function(t): while < t: world.update() # updates, and increases world.clip_t return world.to_frame()
- Parameters:
world – An object with the following attributes: - world.clip_t: the clip’s time corresponding to the world’s state. - world.update() : update the world’s state, (including increasing world.clip_t of one time step). - world.to_frame() : renders a frame depending on the world’s state.
is_mask – True if the clip is a WxH mask with values in 0-1
duration – Duration of the clip, in seconds