Source code for

This module implements VideoClip (base class for video clips) and its
main subclasses:
- Animated clips:     VideofileClip, ImageSequenceClip
- Static image clips: ImageClip, ColorClip, TextClip,
import os
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
import warnings

import numpy as np
import proglog
from imageio import imread, imsave

from ..Clip import Clip
from ..compat import DEVNULL, string_types
from ..config import get_setting
from ..decorators import (add_mask_if_none, apply_to_mask,
                          convert_masks_to_RGB, convert_to_seconds, outplace,
                          requires_duration, use_clip_fps_by_default)
from import (deprecated_version_of, extensions_dict, find_extension,
                     is_string, subprocess_call)
from .io.ffmpeg_writer import ffmpeg_write_video
from .io.gif_writers import (write_gif, write_gif_with_image_io,
from .tools.drawing import blit

[docs]class VideoClip(Clip): """Base class for video clips. See ``VideoFileClip``, ``ImageClip`` etc. for more user-friendly classes. Parameters ----------- ismask `True` if the clip is going to be used as a mask. Attributes ---------- size The size of the clip, (width,heigth), in pixels. w, h The width and height of the clip, in pixels. ismask Boolean set to `True` if the clip is a mask. make_frame A function ``t-> frame at time t`` where ``frame`` is a w*h*3 RGB array. mask (default None) VideoClip mask attached to this clip. If mask is ``None``, The video clip is fully opaque. audio (default None) An AudioClip instance containing the audio of the video clip. pos A function ``t->(x,y)`` where ``x,y`` is the position of the clip when it is composed with other clips. See ``VideoClip.set_pos`` for more details relative_pos See variable ``pos``. """ def __init__(self, make_frame=None, ismask=False, duration=None, has_constant_size=True): Clip.__init__(self) self.mask = None = None self.pos = lambda t: (0, 0) self.relative_pos = False if make_frame: self.make_frame = make_frame self.size = self.get_frame(0).shape[:2][::-1] self.ismask = ismask self.has_constant_size=has_constant_size if duration is not None: self.duration = duration self.end = duration @property def w(self): return self.size[0] @property def h(self): return self.size[1] @property def aspect_ratio(self): return self.w / float(self.h) # =============================================================== # EXPORT OPERATIONS
[docs] @convert_to_seconds(['t']) @convert_masks_to_RGB def save_frame(self, filename, t=0, withmask=True): """ Save a clip's frame to an image file. Saves the frame of clip corresponding to time ``t`` in 'filename'. ``t`` can be expressed in seconds (15.35), in (min, sec), in (hour, min, sec), or as a string: '01:03:05.35'. If ``withmask`` is ``True`` the mask is saved in the alpha layer of the picture (only works with PNGs). """ im = self.get_frame(t) if withmask and self.mask is not None: mask = 255 * self.mask.get_frame(t) im = np.dstack([im, mask]).astype('uint8') else: im = im.astype("uint8") imsave(filename, im)
[docs] @requires_duration @use_clip_fps_by_default @convert_masks_to_RGB def write_videofile(self, filename, fps=None, codec=None, bitrate=None, audio=True, audio_fps=44100, preset="medium", audio_nbytes=4, audio_codec=None, audio_bitrate=None, audio_bufsize=2000, temp_audiofile=None, rewrite_audio=True, remove_temp=True, write_logfile=False, verbose=True, threads=None, ffmpeg_params=None, logger='bar'): """Write the clip to a videofile. Parameters ----------- filename Name of the video file to write in. The extension must correspond to the "codec" used (see below), or simply be '.avi' (which will work with any codec). fps Number of frames per second in the resulting video file. If None is provided, and the clip has an fps attribute, this fps will be used. codec Codec to use for image encoding. Can be any codec supported by ffmpeg. If the filename is has extension '.mp4', '.ogv', '.webm', the codec will be set accordingly, but you can still set it if you don't like the default. For other extensions, the output filename must be set accordingly. Some examples of codecs are: ``'libx264'`` (default codec for file extension ``.mp4``) makes well-compressed videos (quality tunable using 'bitrate'). ``'mpeg4'`` (other codec for extension ``.mp4``) can be an alternative to ``'libx264'``, and produces higher quality videos by default. ``'rawvideo'`` (use file extension ``.avi``) will produce a video of perfect quality, of possibly very huge size. ``png`` (use file extension ``.avi``) will produce a video of perfect quality, of smaller size than with ``rawvideo``. ``'libvorbis'`` (use file extension ``.ogv``) is a nice video format, which is completely free/ open source. However not everyone has the codecs installed by default on their machine. ``'libvpx'`` (use file extension ``.webm``) is tiny a video format well indicated for web videos (with HTML5). Open source. audio Either ``True``, ``False``, or a file name. If ``True`` and the clip has an audio clip attached, this audio clip will be incorporated as a soundtrack in the movie. If ``audio`` is the name of an audio file, this audio file will be incorporated as a soundtrack in the movie. audiofps frame rate to use when generating the sound. temp_audiofile the name of the temporary audiofile to be generated and incorporated in the the movie, if any. audio_codec Which audio codec should be used. Examples are 'libmp3lame' for '.mp3', 'libvorbis' for 'ogg', 'libfdk_aac':'m4a', 'pcm_s16le' for 16-bit wav and 'pcm_s32le' for 32-bit wav. Default is 'libmp3lame', unless the video extension is 'ogv' or 'webm', at which case the default is 'libvorbis'. audio_bitrate Audio bitrate, given as a string like '50k', '500k', '3000k'. Will determine the size/quality of audio in the output file. Note that it mainly an indicative goal, the bitrate won't necessarily be the this in the final file. preset Sets the time that FFMPEG will spend optimizing the compression. Choices are: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, placebo. Note that this does not impact the quality of the video, only the size of the video file. So choose ultrafast when you are in a hurry and file size does not matter. threads Number of threads to use for ffmpeg. Can speed up the writing of the video on multicore computers. ffmpeg_params Any additional ffmpeg parameters you would like to pass, as a list of terms, like ['-option1', 'value1', '-option2', 'value2']. write_logfile If true, will write log files for the audio and the video. These will be files ending with '.log' with the name of the output file in them. logger Either "bar" for progress bar or None or any Proglog logger. verbose (deprecated, kept for compatibility) Formerly used for toggling messages on/off. Use logger=None now. Examples ======== >>> from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip >>> clip = VideoFileClip("myvideo.mp4").subclip(100,120) >>> clip.write_videofile("my_new_video.mp4") >>> clip.close() """ name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) ext = ext[1:].lower() logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger) if codec is None: try: codec = extensions_dict[ext]['codec'][0] except KeyError: raise ValueError("MoviePy couldn't find the codec associated " "with the filename. Provide the 'codec' " "parameter in write_videofile.") if audio_codec is None: if ext in ['ogv', 'webm']: audio_codec = 'libvorbis' else: audio_codec = 'libmp3lame' elif audio_codec == 'raw16': audio_codec = 'pcm_s16le' elif audio_codec == 'raw32': audio_codec = 'pcm_s32le' audiofile = audio if is_string(audio) else None make_audio = ((audiofile is None) and (audio == True) and ( is not None)) if make_audio and temp_audiofile: # The audio will be the clip's audio audiofile = temp_audiofile elif make_audio: audio_ext = find_extension(audio_codec) audiofile = (name + Clip._TEMP_FILES_PREFIX + "wvf_snd.%s" % audio_ext) # enough cpu for multiprocessing ? USELESS RIGHT NOW, WILL COME AGAIN # enough_cpu = (multiprocessing.cpu_count() > 1) logger(message="Moviepy - Building video %s." % filename) if make_audio:, audio_fps, audio_nbytes, audio_bufsize, audio_codec, bitrate=audio_bitrate, write_logfile=write_logfile, verbose=verbose, logger=logger) ffmpeg_write_video(self, filename, fps, codec, bitrate=bitrate, preset=preset, write_logfile=write_logfile, audiofile=audiofile, verbose=verbose, threads=threads, ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params, logger=logger) if remove_temp and make_audio: if os.path.exists(audiofile): os.remove(audiofile) logger(message="Moviepy - video ready %s" % filename)
[docs] @requires_duration @use_clip_fps_by_default @convert_masks_to_RGB def write_images_sequence(self, nameformat, fps=None, verbose=True, withmask=True, logger='bar'): """ Writes the videoclip to a sequence of image files. Parameters ----------- nameformat A filename specifying the numerotation format and extension of the pictures. For instance "frame%03d.png" for filenames indexed with 3 digits and PNG format. Also possible: "some_folder/frame%04d.jpeg", etc. fps Number of frames per second to consider when writing the clip. If not specified, the clip's ``fps`` attribute will be used if it has one. withmask will save the clip's mask (if any) as an alpha canal (PNGs only). verbose Boolean indicating whether to print information. logger Either 'bar' (progress bar) or None or any Proglog logger. Returns -------- names_list A list of all the files generated. Notes ------ The resulting image sequence can be read using e.g. the class ``ImageSequenceClip``. """ logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger) logger(message='Moviepy - Writing frames %s.' % nameformat) tt = np.arange(0, self.duration, 1.0 / fps) filenames = [] for i, t in logger.iter_bar(t=list(enumerate(tt))): name = nameformat % i filenames.append(name) self.save_frame(name, t, withmask=withmask) logger(message='Moviepy - Done writing frames %s.' % nameformat) return filenames
[docs] @requires_duration @convert_masks_to_RGB def write_gif(self, filename, fps=None, program='imageio', opt='nq', fuzz=1, verbose=True, loop=0, dispose=False, colors=None, tempfiles=False, logger='bar'): """ Write the VideoClip to a GIF file. Converts a VideoClip into an animated GIF using ImageMagick or ffmpeg. Parameters ----------- filename Name of the resulting gif file. fps Number of frames per second (see note below). If it isn't provided, then the function will look for the clip's ``fps`` attribute (VideoFileClip, for instance, have one). program Software to use for the conversion, either 'imageio' (this will use the library FreeImage through ImageIO), or 'ImageMagick', or 'ffmpeg'. opt Optimalization to apply. If program='imageio', opt must be either 'wu' (Wu) or 'nq' (Neuquant). If program='ImageMagick', either 'optimizeplus' or 'OptimizeTransparency'. fuzz (ImageMagick only) Compresses the GIF by considering that the colors that are less than fuzz% different are in fact the same. tempfiles Writes every frame to a file instead of passing them in the RAM. Useful on computers with little RAM. Can only be used with ImageMagick' or 'ffmpeg'. progress_bar If True, displays a progress bar Notes ----- The gif will be playing the clip in real time (you can only change the frame rate). If you want the gif to be played slower than the clip you will use :: >>> # slow down clip 50% and make it a gif >>> myClip.speedx(0.5).to_gif('myClip.gif') """ # A little sketchy at the moment, maybe move all that in write_gif, # refactor a little... we will see. if program == 'imageio': write_gif_with_image_io(self, filename, fps=fps, opt=opt, loop=loop, verbose=verbose, colors=colors, logger=logger) elif tempfiles: # convert imageio opt variable to something that can be used with # ImageMagick opt = 'optimizeplus' if opt == 'nq' else 'OptimizeTransparency' write_gif_with_tempfiles(self, filename, fps=fps, program=program, opt=opt, fuzz=fuzz, verbose=verbose, loop=loop, dispose=dispose, colors=colors, logger=logger) else: # convert imageio opt variable to something that can be used with # ImageMagick opt = 'optimizeplus' if opt == 'nq' else 'OptimizeTransparency' write_gif(self, filename, fps=fps, program=program, opt=opt, fuzz=fuzz, verbose=verbose, loop=loop, dispose=dispose, colors=colors, logger=logger)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # F I L T E R I N G
[docs] def subfx(self, fx, ta=0, tb=None, **kwargs): """Apply a transformation to a part of the clip. Returns a new clip in which the function ``fun`` (clip->clip) has been applied to the subclip between times `ta` and `tb` (in seconds). Examples --------- >>> # The scene between times t=3s and t=6s in ``clip`` will be >>> # be played twice slower in ``newclip`` >>> newclip = clip.subapply(lambda c:c.speedx(0.5) , 3,6) """ left = self.subclip(0, ta) if ta else None center = self.subclip(ta, tb).fx(fx, **kwargs) right = self.subclip(t_start=tb) if tb else None clips = [c for c in (left, center, right) if c] # beurk, have to find other solution from import concatenate_videoclips return concatenate_videoclips(clips).set_start(self.start)
[docs] def fl_image(self, image_func, apply_to=None): """ Modifies the images of a clip by replacing the frame `get_frame(t)` by another frame, `image_func(get_frame(t))` """ apply_to = apply_to or [] return self.fl(lambda gf, t: image_func(gf(t)), apply_to)
# -------------------------------------------------------------- # C O M P O S I T I N G def fill_array(self, pre_array, shape=(0, 0)): pre_shape = pre_array.shape dx = shape[0] - pre_shape[0] dy = shape[1] - pre_shape[1] post_array = pre_array if dx < 0: post_array = pre_array[:shape[0]] elif dx > 0: x_1 = [[[1, 1, 1]] * pre_shape[1]] * dx post_array = np.vstack((pre_array, x_1)) if dy < 0: post_array = post_array[:, :shape[1]] elif dy > 0: x_1 = [[[1, 1, 1]] * dy] * post_array.shape[0] post_array = np.hstack((post_array, x_1)) return post_array
[docs] def blit_on(self, picture, t): """ Returns the result of the blit of the clip's frame at time `t` on the given `picture`, the position of the clip being given by the clip's ``pos`` attribute. Meant for compositing. """ hf, wf = framesize = picture.shape[:2] if self.ismask and picture.max(): return np.minimum(1, picture + self.blit_on(np.zeros(framesize), t)) ct = t - self.start # clip time # GET IMAGE AND MASK IF ANY img = self.get_frame(ct) mask = self.mask.get_frame(ct) if self.mask else None if mask is not None and ((img.shape[0] != mask.shape[0]) or (img.shape[1] != mask.shape[1])): img = self.fill_array(img, mask.shape) hi, wi = img.shape[:2] # SET POSITION pos = self.pos(ct) # preprocess short writings of the position if isinstance(pos, str): pos = {'center': ['center', 'center'], 'left': ['left', 'center'], 'right': ['right', 'center'], 'top': ['center', 'top'], 'bottom': ['center', 'bottom']}[pos] else: pos = list(pos) # is the position relative (given in % of the clip's size) ? if self.relative_pos: for i, dim in enumerate([wf, hf]): if not isinstance(pos[i], str): pos[i] = dim * pos[i] if isinstance(pos[0], str): D = {'left': 0, 'center': (wf - wi) / 2, 'right': wf - wi} pos[0] = D[pos[0]] if isinstance(pos[1], str): D = {'top': 0, 'center': (hf - hi) / 2, 'bottom': hf - hi} pos[1] = D[pos[1]] pos = map(int, pos) return blit(img, picture, pos, mask=mask, ismask=self.ismask)
[docs] def add_mask(self): """Add a mask VideoClip to the VideoClip. Returns a copy of the clip with a completely opaque mask (made of ones). This makes computations slower compared to having a None mask but can be useful in many cases. Choose Set ``constant_size`` to `False` for clips with moving image size. """ if self.has_constant_size: mask = ColorClip(self.size, 1.0, ismask=True) return self.set_mask(mask.set_duration(self.duration)) else: make_frame = lambda t: np.ones(self.get_frame(t).shape[:2], dtype=float) mask = VideoClip(ismask=True, make_frame=make_frame) return self.set_mask(mask.set_duration(self.duration))
[docs] def on_color(self, size=None, color=(0, 0, 0), pos=None, col_opacity=None): """Place the clip on a colored background. Returns a clip made of the current clip overlaid on a color clip of a possibly bigger size. Can serve to flatten transparent clips. Parameters ----------- size Size (width, height) in pixels of the final clip. By default it will be the size of the current clip. color Background color of the final clip ([R,G,B]). pos Position of the clip in the final clip. 'center' is the default col_opacity Parameter in 0..1 indicating the opacity of the colored background. """ from .compositing.CompositeVideoClip import CompositeVideoClip if size is None: size = self.size if pos is None: pos = 'center' colorclip = ColorClip(size, color=color) if col_opacity is not None: colorclip = (ColorClip(size, color=color, duration=self.duration) .set_opacity(col_opacity)) result = CompositeVideoClip([colorclip, self.set_position(pos)]) else: result = CompositeVideoClip([self.set_position(pos)], size=size, bg_color=color) if (isinstance(self, ImageClip) and (not hasattr(pos, "__call__")) and ((self.mask is None) or isinstance(self.mask, ImageClip))): new_result = result.to_ImageClip() if result.mask is not None: new_result.mask = result.mask.to_ImageClip() return new_result.set_duration(result.duration) return result
[docs] @outplace def set_make_frame(self, mf): """Change the clip's ``get_frame``. Returns a copy of the VideoClip instance, with the make_frame attribute set to `mf`. """ self.make_frame = mf self.size = self.get_frame(0).shape[:2][::-1]
[docs] @outplace def set_audio(self, audioclip): """Attach an AudioClip to the VideoClip. Returns a copy of the VideoClip instance, with the `audio` attribute set to ``audio``, which must be an AudioClip instance. """ = audioclip
[docs] @outplace def set_mask(self, mask): """Set the clip's mask. Returns a copy of the VideoClip with the mask attribute set to ``mask``, which must be a greyscale (values in 0-1) VideoClip""" assert mask is None or mask.ismask self.mask = mask
[docs] @add_mask_if_none @outplace def set_opacity(self, op): """Set the opacity/transparency level of the clip. Returns a semi-transparent copy of the clip where the mask is multiplied by ``op`` (any float, normally between 0 and 1). """ self.mask = self.mask.fl_image(lambda pic: op * pic)
[docs] @apply_to_mask @outplace def set_position(self, pos, relative=False): """Set the clip's position in compositions. Sets the position that the clip will have when included in compositions. The argument ``pos`` can be either a couple ``(x,y)`` or a function ``t-> (x,y)``. `x` and `y` mark the location of the top left corner of the clip, and can be of several types. Examples ---------- >>> clip.set_position((45,150)) # x=45, y=150 >>> >>> # clip horizontally centered, at the top of the picture >>> clip.set_position(("center","top")) >>> >>> # clip is at 40% of the width, 70% of the height: >>> clip.set_position((0.4,0.7), relative=True) >>> >>> # clip's position is horizontally centered, and moving up ! >>> clip.set_position(lambda t: ('center', 50+t) ) """ self.relative_pos = relative if hasattr(pos, '__call__'): self.pos = pos else: self.pos = lambda t: pos
# -------------------------------------------------------------- # CONVERSIONS TO OTHER TYPES
[docs] @convert_to_seconds(['t']) def to_ImageClip(self, t=0, with_mask=True, duration=None): """ Returns an ImageClip made out of the clip's frame at time ``t``, which can be expressed in seconds (15.35), in (min, sec), in (hour, min, sec), or as a string: '01:03:05.35'. """ newclip = ImageClip(self.get_frame(t), ismask=self.ismask, duration=duration) if with_mask and self.mask is not None: newclip.mask = self.mask.to_ImageClip(t) return newclip
[docs] def to_mask(self, canal=0): """Return a mask a video clip made from the clip.""" if self.ismask: return self else: newclip = self.fl_image(lambda pic: 1.0 * pic[:, :, canal] / 255) newclip.ismask = True return newclip
[docs] def to_RGB(self): """Return a non-mask video clip made from the mask video clip.""" if self.ismask: f = lambda pic: np.dstack(3 * [255 * pic]).astype('uint8') newclip = self.fl_image(f) newclip.ismask = False return newclip else: return self
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio
[docs] @outplace def without_audio(self): """Remove the clip's audio. Return a copy of the clip with audio set to None. """ = None
[docs] @outplace def afx(self, fun, *a, **k): """Transform the clip's audio. Return a new clip whose audio has been transformed by ``fun``. """ =, *a, **k)
class DataVideoClip(VideoClip): """ Class of video clips whose successive frames are functions of successive datasets Parameters ----------- data A liste of datasets, each dataset being used for one frame of the clip data_to_frame A function d -> video frame, where d is one element of the list `data` fps Number of frames per second in the animation Examples --------- """ def __init__(self, data, data_to_frame, fps, ismask=False, has_constant_size=True): = data self.data_to_frame = data_to_frame self.fps = fps make_frame = lambda t: self.data_to_frame([int(self.fps*t)]) VideoClip.__init__(self, make_frame, ismask=ismask, duration=1.0*len(data)/fps, has_constant_size=has_constant_size) class UpdatedVideoClip(VideoClip): """ Class of clips whose make_frame requires some objects to be updated. Particularly practical in science where some algorithm needs to make some steps before a new frame can be generated. UpdatedVideoClips have the following make_frame: >>> def make_frame(t): >>> while < t: >>> world.update() # updates, and increases world.clip_t >>> return world.to_frame() Parameters ----------- world An object with the following attributes: - world.clip_t : the clip's time corresponding to the world's state - world.update() : update the world's state, (including increasing world.clip_t of one time step) - world.to_frame() : renders a frame depending on the world's state ismask True if the clip is a WxH mask with values in 0-1 duration Duration of the clip, in seconds """ def __init__(self, world, ismask=False, duration=None): = world def make_frame(t): while < t: world.update() return world.to_frame() VideoClip.__init__(self, make_frame=make_frame, ismask=ismask, duration=duration) """--------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageClip (base class for all 'static clips') and its subclasses ColorClip and TextClip. I would have liked to put these in a separate file but Python is bad at cyclic imports. ---------------------------------------------------------------------"""
[docs]class ImageClip(VideoClip): """Class for non-moving VideoClips. A video clip originating from a picture. This clip will simply display the given picture at all times. Examples --------- >>> clip = ImageClip("myHouse.jpeg") >>> clip = ImageClip( someArray ) # a Numpy array represent Parameters ----------- img Any picture file (png, tiff, jpeg, etc.) or any array representing an RGB image (for instance a frame from a VideoClip). ismask Set this parameter to `True` if the clip is a mask. transparent Set this parameter to `True` (default) if you want the alpha layer of the picture (if it exists) to be used as a mask. Attributes ----------- img Array representing the image of the clip. """ def __init__(self, img, ismask=False, transparent=True, fromalpha=False, duration=None): VideoClip.__init__(self, ismask=ismask, duration=duration) if isinstance(img, string_types): img = imread(img) if len(img.shape) == 3: # img is (now) a RGB(a) numpy array if img.shape[2] == 4: if fromalpha: img = 1.0 * img[:, :, 3] / 255 elif ismask: img = 1.0 * img[:, :, 0] / 255 elif transparent: self.mask = ImageClip( 1.0 * img[:, :, 3] / 255, ismask=True) img = img[:, :, :3] elif ismask: img = 1.0 * img[:, :, 0] / 255 # if the image was just a 2D mask, it should arrive here # unchanged self.make_frame = lambda t: img self.size = img.shape[:2][::-1] self.img = img
[docs] def fl(self, fl, apply_to=None, keep_duration=True): """General transformation filter. Equivalent to VideoClip.fl . The result is no more an ImageClip, it has the class VideoClip (since it may be animated) """ if apply_to is None: apply_to = [] # When we use fl on an image clip it may become animated. # Therefore the result is not an ImageClip, just a VideoClip. newclip = VideoClip.fl(self, fl, apply_to=apply_to, keep_duration=keep_duration) newclip.__class__ = VideoClip return newclip
[docs] @outplace def fl_image(self, image_func, apply_to=None): """Image-transformation filter. Does the same as VideoClip.fl_image, but for ImageClip the tranformed clip is computed once and for all at the beginning, and not for each 'frame'. """ if apply_to is None: apply_to = [] arr = image_func(self.get_frame(0)) self.size = arr.shape[:2][::-1] self.make_frame = lambda t: arr self.img = arr for attr in apply_to: a = getattr(self, attr, None) if a is not None: new_a = a.fl_image(image_func) setattr(self, attr, new_a)
[docs] @outplace def fl_time(self, time_func, apply_to=None, keep_duration=False): """Time-transformation filter. Applies a transformation to the clip's timeline (see Clip.fl_time). This method does nothing for ImageClips (but it may affect their masks or their audios). The result is still an ImageClip. """ if apply_to is None: apply_to = ['mask', 'audio'] for attr in apply_to: a = getattr(self, attr, None) if a is not None: new_a = a.fl_time(time_func) setattr(self, attr, new_a)
# ## # # The old functions to_videofile, to_gif, to_images sequences have been # replaced by the more explicite write_videofile, write_gif, etc. VideoClip.set_pos = deprecated_version_of(VideoClip.set_position, 'set_pos') VideoClip.to_videofile = deprecated_version_of(VideoClip.write_videofile, 'to_videofile') VideoClip.to_gif = deprecated_version_of(VideoClip.write_gif, 'to_gif') VideoClip.to_images_sequence = deprecated_version_of(VideoClip.write_images_sequence, 'to_images_sequence')
[docs]class ColorClip(ImageClip): """An ImageClip showing just one color. Parameters ----------- size Size (width, height) in pixels of the clip. color If argument ``ismask`` is False, ``color`` indicates the color in RGB of the clip (default is black). If `ismask`` is True, ``color`` must be a float between 0 and 1 (default is 1) ismask Set to true if the clip will be used as a mask. col Has been deprecated. Do not use. """ def __init__(self, size, color=None, ismask=False, duration=None, col=None): if col is not None: warnings.warn("The `ColorClip` parameter `col` has been deprecated." " Please use `color` instead.", DeprecationWarning) if color is not None: warnings.warn("The arguments `color` and `col` have both been " "passed to `ColorClip` so `col` has been ignored.", UserWarning) else: color = col w, h = size shape = (h, w) if np.isscalar(color) else (h, w, len(color)) ImageClip.__init__(self, np.tile(color, w * h).reshape(shape), ismask=ismask, duration=duration)
[docs]class TextClip(ImageClip): """Class for autogenerated text clips. Creates an ImageClip originating from a script-generated text image. Requires ImageMagick. Parameters ----------- txt A string of the text to write. Can be replaced by argument ``filename``. filename The name of a file in which there is the text to write. Can be provided instead of argument ``txt`` size Size of the picture in pixels. Can be auto-set if method='label', but mandatory if method='caption'. the height can be None, it will then be auto-determined. bg_color Color of the background. See ``TextClip.list('color')`` for a list of acceptable names. color Color of the text. See ``TextClip.list('color')`` for a list of acceptable names. font Name of the font to use. See ``TextClip.list('font')`` for the list of fonts you can use on your computer. stroke_color Color of the stroke (=contour line) of the text. If ``None``, there will be no stroke. stroke_width Width of the stroke, in pixels. Can be a float, like 1.5. method Either 'label' (default, the picture will be autosized so as to fit exactly the size) or 'caption' (the text will be drawn in a picture with fixed size provided with the ``size`` argument). If `caption`, the text will be wrapped automagically (sometimes it is buggy, not my fault, complain to the ImageMagick crew) and can be aligned or centered (see parameter ``align``). kerning Changes the default spacing between letters. For instance ``kerning=-1`` will make the letters 1 pixel nearer from ach other compared to the default spacing. align center | East | West | South | North . Will only work if ``method`` is set to ``caption`` transparent ``True`` (default) if you want to take into account the transparency in the image. """ def __init__(self, txt=None, filename=None, size=None, color='black', bg_color='transparent', fontsize=None, font='Courier', stroke_color=None, stroke_width=1, method='label', kerning=None, align='center', interline=None, tempfilename=None, temptxt=None, transparent=True, remove_temp=True, print_cmd=False): if txt is not None: if temptxt is None: temptxt_fd, temptxt = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt') try: # only in Python3 will this work os.write(temptxt_fd, bytes(txt, 'UTF8')) except TypeError: # oops, fall back to Python2 os.write(temptxt_fd, txt) os.close(temptxt_fd) txt = '@' + temptxt else: # use a file instead of a text. txt = "@%" + filename if size is not None: size = ('' if size[0] is None else str(size[0]), '' if size[1] is None else str(size[1])) cmd = ([get_setting("IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY"), "-background", bg_color, "-fill", color, "-font", font]) if fontsize is not None: cmd += ["-pointsize", "%d" % fontsize] if kerning is not None: cmd += ["-kerning", "%0.1f" % kerning] if stroke_color is not None: cmd += ["-stroke", stroke_color, "-strokewidth", "%.01f" % stroke_width] if size is not None: cmd += ["-size", "%sx%s" % (size[0], size[1])] if align is not None: cmd += ["-gravity", align] if interline is not None: cmd += ["-interline-spacing", "%d" % interline] if tempfilename is None: tempfile_fd, tempfilename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png') os.close(tempfile_fd) cmd += ["%s:%s" % (method, txt), "-type", "truecolormatte", "PNG32:%s" % tempfilename] if print_cmd: print(" ".join(cmd)) try: subprocess_call(cmd, logger=None) except (IOError, OSError) as err: error = ("MoviePy Error: creation of %s failed because of the " "following error:\n\n%s.\n\n." % (filename, str(err)) + ("This error can be due to the fact that ImageMagick " "is not installed on your computer, or (for Windows " "users) that you didn't specify the path to the " "ImageMagick binary in file, or that the path " "you specified is incorrect")) raise IOError(error) ImageClip.__init__(self, tempfilename, transparent=transparent) self.txt = txt self.color = color self.stroke_color = stroke_color if remove_temp: if os.path.exists(tempfilename): os.remove(tempfilename) if os.path.exists(temptxt): os.remove(temptxt)
[docs] @staticmethod def list(arg): """Returns the list of all valid entries for the argument of ``TextClip`` given (can be ``font``, ``color``, etc...) """ popen_params = {"stdout": sp.PIPE, "stderr": DEVNULL, "stdin": DEVNULL} if == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 process = sp.Popen([get_setting("IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY"), '-list', arg], **popen_params) result = process.communicate()[0] lines = result.splitlines() if arg == 'font': return [l.decode('UTF-8')[8:] for l in lines if l.startswith(b" Font:")] elif arg == 'color': return [l.split(b" ")[0] for l in lines[2:]] else: raise Exception("Moviepy:Error! Argument must equal " "'font' or 'color'")
[docs] @staticmethod def search(string, arg): """Returns the of all valid entries which contain ``string`` for the argument ``arg`` of ``TextClip``, for instance >>> # Find all the available fonts which contain "Courier" >>> print ('Courier', 'font') ) """ string = string.lower() names_list = TextClip.list(arg) return [name for name in names_list if string in name.lower()]