Publishing a New Version of MoviePy#

This section is for maintainers responsible for publishing new versions of MoviePy. Follow these steps to ensure the process is smooth and consistent:


  • Ensure you have proper permissions to push changes and create releases in the MoviePy repository.

Steps to Publish a New Version#

  1. Update the ``

    • Add a new section for the upcoming version, respecting the format used in previous entries.

    • Summarize all changes, fixes, and new features.

  2. Update the version in `pyproject.toml`

    • Open the pyproject.toml file.

    • Update the version field to the new version, following Semantic Versioning.

  3. Commit and Push

    • Stage your changes:

      git add pyproject.toml
    • Commit your changes:

      git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
    • Push your changes:

      git push
  4. Create a New Tag

    • Create a tag for the new version (replace vX.Y.Z with the actual version number):

      git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
    • Push the tag to the remote repository:

      git push origin vX.Y.Z
  5. Create a New Release

    • Go to the repository’s page on GitHub (or the relevant hosting platform).

    • Navigate to the “Releases” section and create a new release.

    • Use the new tag (vX.Y.Z) and provide a description for the release. - Copy the changelog for this version into the release description.

    • Publish the release.

GitHub actions will automatically build and publish the new release on PyPi.

By following these steps, you ensure that each MoviePy release is well-documented, correctly versioned, and accessible to users.