Source code for

""" Experimental module for subtitles support. """

import re

import numpy as np

from import cvsecs
from import TextClip, VideoClip

[docs]class SubtitlesClip(VideoClip): """ A Clip that serves as "subtitle track" in videos. One particularity of this class is that the images of the subtitle texts are not generated beforehand, but only if needed. Parameters ========== subtitles Either the name of a file, or a list Examples ========= >>> from import SubtitlesClip >>> from import VideoFileClip >>> generator = lambda txt: TextClip(txt, font='Georgia-Regular', fontsize=24, color='white') >>> sub = SubtitlesClip("", generator) >>> myvideo = VideoFileClip("myvideo.avi") >>> final = CompositeVideoClip([clip, subtitles]) >>> final.write_videofile("final.mp4", fps=myvideo.fps) """ def __init__(self, subtitles, make_textclip=None): VideoClip.__init__(self, has_constant_size=False) if isinstance(subtitles, str): subtitles = file_to_subtitles(subtitles) #subtitles = [(map(cvsecs, tt),txt) for tt, txt in subtitles] self.subtitles = subtitles self.textclips = dict() if make_textclip is None: make_textclip = lambda txt: TextClip(txt, font='Georgia-Bold', fontsize=24, color='white', stroke_color='black', stroke_width=0.5) self.make_textclip = make_textclip self.start=0 self.duration = max([tb for ((ta,tb), txt) in self.subtitles]) self.end=self.duration def add_textclip_if_none(t): """ Will generate a textclip if it hasn't been generated asked to generate it yet. If there is no subtitle to show at t, return false. """ sub =[((ta,tb),txt) for ((ta,tb),txt) in self.textclips.keys() if (ta<=t<tb)] if not sub: sub = [((ta,tb),txt) for ((ta,tb),txt) in self.subtitles if (ta<=t<tb)] if not sub: return False sub = sub[0] if sub not in self.textclips.keys(): self.textclips[sub] = self.make_textclip(sub[1]) return sub def make_frame(t): sub = add_textclip_if_none(t) return (self.textclips[sub].get_frame(t) if sub else np.array([[[0,0,0]]])) def make_mask_frame(t): sub = add_textclip_if_none(t) return (self.textclips[sub].mask.get_frame(t) if sub else np.array([[0]])) self.make_frame = make_frame hasmask = bool(self.make_textclip('T').mask) self.mask = VideoClip(make_mask_frame, ismask=True) if hasmask else None
[docs] def in_subclip(self, t_start= None, t_end= None): """ Returns a sequence of [(t1,t2), txt] covering all the given subclip from t_start to t_end. The first and last times will be cropped so as to be exactly t_start and t_end if possible. """ def is_in_subclip(t1,t2): try: return (t_start<=t1<t_end) or (t_start< t2 <=t_end) except: return False def try_cropping(t1,t2): try: return (max(t1, t_start), min(t2, t_end)) except: return (t1, t2) return [(try_cropping(t1,t2), txt) for ((t1,t2), txt) in self.subtitles if is_in_subclip(t1,t2)]
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.subtitles) def __getitem__(self, k): return self.subtitles[k] def __str__(self): def to_srt(sub_element): (ta, tb), txt = sub_element fta = cvsecs(ta) ftb = cvsecs(tb) return "%s - %s\n%s"%(fta, ftb, txt) return "\n\n".join(to_srt(s) for s in self.subtitles) def match_expr(self, expr): return SubtitlesClip([e for e in self.subtitles if re.findall(expr, e[1]) != []]) def write_srt(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w+') as f: f.write(str(self))
[docs]def file_to_subtitles(filename): """ Converts a srt file into subtitles. The returned list is of the form ``[((ta,tb),'some text'),...]`` and can be fed to SubtitlesClip. Only works for '.srt' format for the moment. """ times_texts = [] current_times = None current_text = "" with open(filename,'r') as f: for line in f: times = re.findall("([0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*,[0-9]*)", line) if times: current_times = [cvsecs(t) for t in times] elif line.strip() == '': times_texts.append((current_times, current_text.strip('\n'))) current_times, current_text = None, "" elif current_times: current_text += line return times_texts