Source code for easyAI.Player

This module implements the Player (Human or AI), which is basically an
object with an ``ask_move(game)`` method
    input = raw_input
except NameError:

[docs]class Human_Player: """ Class for a human player, which gets asked by text what moves she wants to play. She can type ``show moves`` to display a list of moves, or ``quit`` to quit the game. """ def __init__(self, name = 'Human'): = name def ask_move(self, game): possible_moves = game.possible_moves() # The str version of every move for comparison with the user input: possible_moves_str = list(map(str, game.possible_moves())) move = "NO_MOVE_DECIDED_YET" while True: move = input("\nPlayer %s what do you play ? "%(game.nplayer)) if move == 'show moves': print ("Possible moves:\n"+ "\n".join( ["#%d: %s"%(i+1,m) for i,m in enumerate(possible_moves)]) +"\nType a move or type 'move #move_number' to play.") elif move == 'quit': raise KeyboardInterrupt elif move.startswith("move #"): # Fetch the corresponding move and return. move = possible_moves[int(move[6:])-1] return move elif str(move) in possible_moves_str: # Transform the move into its real type (integer, etc. and return). move = possible_moves[possible_moves_str.index(str(move))] return move
[docs]class AI_Player: """ Class for an AI player. This class must be initialized with an AI algortihm, like ``AI_Player( Negamax(9) )`` """ def __init__(self, AI_algo, name = 'AI'): self.AI_algo = AI_algo = name self.move = {} def ask_move(self, game): return self.AI_algo(game)