Source code for easyAI.AI.solving

from easyAI.AI import Negamax
from easyAI.AI import TT
from easyAI.Player import AI_Player

[docs]def id_solve(game, ai_depths, win_score, scoring=None, tt=None, verbose=True): """ Solves a game using iterative deepening, i.e. determines if by playing perfectly the first player can force a win, or whether it will always lose against a perfect opponent. This algorithm explores the game by using several times the Negamax algorithm, always starting at the initial state of the game, but taking increasing depth (in the list ai_depths) until the score of the initial condition indicates that the first player will certainly win or loose, in which case it stops. The use of transposition table leads to speed gain as the results of shallower searches are used to help exploring the deeper ones. Parameters ----------- ai_depths: List of AI depths to try (e.g. [5,6,7,8,9,10]) win_score: Score above which a score means a win. scoring: Scoring function (see doc of class Negamax) tt: An optional transposition table to speed up computations. verbose: If set to ``True``, will print a summary of the best move after each depth tried. Returns -------- (result, depth, move): As below result: Either 1 (certain victory of the first player) or -1 (certain defeat) or 0 (either draw, or the search was not deep enough) depth: The minimal number of moves before victory (or defeat) move: Best move to play for the first player. Also returns with ``tt`` set. Will be None if ``use_tt`` was set to false, else will be a transposition table containing all the relevant situations to play a perfect game and can be used with ``AI_player(tt)`` """ if not hasattr(game, 'players'): # the user provided a Game class game = game(players = [AI_Player(None), AI_Player(None)]) for depth in ai_depths: ai = Negamax(depth, scoring, tt= tt) ai(game) alpha = ai.alpha if verbose: print( "d:%d, a:%d, m:%s"%(depth, alpha, str(game.ai_move))) if abs(alpha) >= win_score: break # 1:win, 0:draw, -1:defeat result = (+1 if alpha>= win_score else ( -1 if alpha <= -win_score else 0)) return result, depth, game.ai_move
[docs]def df_solve(game, win_score, maxdepth=50, tt=None, depth=0): """ Solves a game using a depth-first search: the game is explored until endgames are reached. The endgames are evaluated to see if there are victories or defeats. Then, a situation in which every move leads to a defeat is labelled as a (certain) defeat, and a situation in which one move leads to a (certain) defeat of the opponent is labelled as a (certain) victory. Situations are evaluated until the initial condition receives a label (victory or defeat). Draws are also possible. This algorithm can be faster but less informative than ``id_solve``, as it does not provide 'optimal' strategies (like shortest path to the victory). It returns simply 1, 0, or -1 to indicate certain victory, draw, or defeat of the first player. Parameters ----------- game: An Game instance, initialized and ready to be played. win_score: Score above which a score means a win. maxdepth: Maximal recursion depth allowed. tt: An optional transposition table to speed up computations. depth: Index of the current depth (don't touch that). Returns -------- result Either 1 (certain victory of the first player) or -1 (certain defeat) or 0 (either draw, or the search was not deep enough) """ # Is there a transposition table and is this game in it ? lookup = None if (tt is None) else tt.lookup(game) if lookup != None: return lookup['value'] if (depth == maxdepth): raise "Max recursion depth reached :(" if game.is_over(): score = game.scoring() value = 1 if (score>=win_score) else (-1 if -score>=win_score else 0), value=value, move=None) return value possible_moves = game.possible_moves() state = game unmake_move = hasattr(state, 'unmake_move') best_value, best_move = -1, None for move in possible_moves: if not unmake_move: game = state.copy() # re-initialize move game.make_move(move) game.switch_player() move_value = - df_solve(game, win_score, maxdepth, tt, depth+1) if unmake_move: game.switch_player() game.unmake_move(move) if move_value == 1:, value=1, move=move) return move_value if move_value == 0 and best_value==-1: # Is forcing a draw possible ? best_value = 0 best_move = move, value=best_value, move=best_move) return best_value